
Upload your files quickly and easily, giving access to as little or as many people as you like. Our drag and drop file sharing makes it all that much easier.
Unlimited Files
SecureShares fast file sharing allows you to share as many files or folders at any one time. The file limit is 15GB per individual file which gives you incredible flexibility.
Email notifications which can be turned on/off as you wish. The alerts will allow you to be notified when files are uploaded and downloaded.
Stay compliant with a full time stamped audit trail of all activity.
Limit access by password and /or IP address, set an expiry date for the files you share and set permissions which can be added to and taken away as and when you please.
Customise the logo, colours and features to your industry's solution. We know that every business is different, so we do what we can to create a platform you can rely on with ease day in and day out.

Secure, branded easy-to-use business file sharing